Saturday, 22 August 2015

50 random facts about me

Hey there,

First of all: A stranger's insights is now on facebook! :) Check it out and make sure to like and follow the page for updates and even more insights!

And to shorten the wait until my next regular blog entry, here are 50 more or less random facts about me - enjoy! :D

1. You know how people sometimes talk and only after having said something realise it was inappropriate, weird or awkward or could be perceived as such? I do that. A lot. Basically, I'm Felicity Smoak from Arrow.. minus the looks and the IT knowledge.

2. I'm a bookworm. 

3. I basically grew up reading the Harry Potter books, Harry always being approximately my age.

4. I wrote my first book at the age of 17. So far, I haven't finished another one, let alone published anything aside from this blog and some minor articles on human rights topics. 

5. My early writing was heavily influenced by Tolkien.

6. My all-time favourite band is Rise Against. Meeting Tim McIlrath is on my bucket list (which I feel might turn into a blog entry in the not too distant future..). Shame there's only space to share one of their powerful videos here..

7. My eyes change colour when I cry: Usually they are fawn, after crying they are green for a little while.

8. I once sewed my own bridesmaid dress for a friend's wedding because I couldn't find anything I liked.

9. On another friend's wedding, I caught the bouquet. However, I'm still lacking the basic requirements to marry.. like someone to get married to. So much for that superstition. 

10. My 18-year old trainee has been in more relationships than I.


11. I've got a total of four piercings and nine tattoos, one being a cover-up and at least three more in the planning (blog entry on my tattoos in the making btw).

12. I'm a volunteer with Amnesty International. 

13. I'm half Dutch, half German, but don't identify with either.

14. I used to be a vegetarian, but had to switch back to eating fish, chicken and beef for medical reasons.

15. I used to study Biology and German linguistics before I decided to become a translator instead. 

16. One of the main incentives for me to become a translator was being annoyed with mistranslated books and texts.

17. Between the ages of 16 and 23, I didn't drink any alcohol. Wild youth..

18. So far, I've kissed more girls than guys.

19. I'm extremely allergic to milk protein. Ingesting any dairy products whose production doesn't require changing the protein structure significantly causes me to keep throwing up for hours and, in severe cases, causes neurodermatitis. Fun times. 


20. My favourite subject in school was chemistry.

21. I've got a half-sister who I've never met and whose name is being kept a secret from me.

22. I've recently found my first grey hair. I'm 27..

23. I'm afraid of snakes.

24. I keep my mobile in a penguin-shaped casing.

25. When at my place, I always fall asleep with my salt lamp lit.

26. I'm 1.82m (5.97ft).

27. I've got somewhat of a permanent celebrity crush on David Tennant.

28. I'm somewhat of a cleaning maniac - except for when it comes to doing the dishes.

29. I suck at wearing heels. I can walk in them just fine, but only for two hours max. Thus my preference for Vans and Converse.

30. I used to work in a cinema while studying. As a result, I don't like eating nachos anymore.

31. For some weird reason, I'm immune to hepatitis B.

32. I'm incapable of burping. At least the guys always say my attempts don't count as such. 

33. For years, I used to refer to myself as an atheist, but learned to acknowledge that my basic believes are far from being those of an atheist. However, I don't see myself belonging to any specific religion either.

34. I've got a weakness for red hairs. 

35. I name almost all my technical devices. My external hard disk, for example, goes by the name "little fucker".

36. I apologise way too much. Sometimes, I even apologise for apologising. 

37. I'm a Whovian. 

38. I used to be part of [Echelon].. like before 30 Seconds to Mars started to suck. 

39. I don't eat pork. 

40. Sometimes, I get this gut feeling if something's wrong with someone very important to me without having any logical explanation for why I know. 

41. A few years back, I taught myself Japanese calligraphy. 

42. I like painting and drawing but barely ever like how my work turns out. 

43. I'm a series and anime junkie. 

44. Drinking cola helps me with initial stages of migraines.

45. On most days, I don't wear any make-up, eye make-up at most.

46. My right knee is permanently damaged from an equestrian accident when I was a teen.

47. My dog died when I was away in Canada back in 2009 and I still miss him dearly. 

48. My grandmother was born in 1919 and raised a Nazi which, retrospectively speaking, lead me to always questioning everything, especially authority of any sort, because I could never understand the passiveness she let things happen with.

49. I love dyeing my hair. In the last couple of years, they were blue, pink, purple, green, red and, of course, brown (my natural hair colour if I remember correctly).

50. I always take tons of pictures and collect seemingly worthless keepsakes when I travel somewhere or spend quality time with someone important to me because I believe that my memories are the most precious things I could possibly own. 

Until next time, 

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